Introducing our thoroughly Maud-ern homage to the past.

Taryn, our furniture designer, and master craftsman Hilario recently teamed up to create the Maud Desk, a mid-century-inspired writing desk that’s as graceful as a gazelle, with a chameleon-like ability to blend beautifully into small spaces like a bedroom recess or a bright entryway.

Maud Writing Desk

The Maud Desk is distinguished by the round tenons that join the legs to the desktop; by handsomely rounded legs and stretchers, by its low-profile drawers and ability to accommodate cords and cables through its open center section in the rear. The top platform welcomes a monitor or tablet, leaving the desktop open as an inviting writing surface.

Maud Desk Rendering

We chose to build the original prototype with Oregon white oak (pictured) because of its expressive patterns and delicate nuance. We are honored that this prototype was recently featured in ShowPDX, a juried furniture design show in Portland, OR.

Maud Writing Desk Drawer detail

Whether you use it for business, leisure, or as an homage to an era of hand-written invitations, the Maud Desk makes for a thoroughly modern, cultivated addition to that corner, alcove or cubby you’ve been wanting to put to work for you. To see this desk in person visit either of our Portland showrooms.


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